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published in The Beat Within newsletter

        A baby is born, clean and as fresh as a beautiful, warm spring day....

        Innocent of all darkness and the freezing cold of winter. A newborn child is free of all the things of this world; and, his only bond is with that of his creator. The child is unaware that fire is hot and snow is cold until the child grows. Beginning at the time of birth a baby knows know fear! Only willingness and trust encompass a baby's birth. As growth continues, the trusts and fears, joys and sorrows develop. A newborn baby is one of the greatest gifts of all, indifferent of the circumstances of birth.

        So is it with our father above! Above all! Above all known to mankind and earth. Our father loves us as a baby. His baby! All we must do is be born to him. However, because of sin all of us are incapable to that birth. Well, God, Our Father, doesn't want his children kept from him. Therefore he sent his beloved son Jesus Christ to be Our Savior! To clear our road to the hospital. Hospital! To save our lives from eternal death and to give us eternal life (John 3:16). We are all children of God. We are just kept from home (Him) by a washed out bridge from a raging water of sin.

        Please, hear me! There IS a bridge to get us home! Yes. There is! That bridge is his son Jesus Christ! All we need to do is believe in that bridge, have faith in that bridge to hold our weight, fully believe it will never crumble under us! When We Take The Steps And Cross That Bridge, we will never be separated by that River of Sin again!

        Once we cross over that bridge (Jesus Christ) to God, Our Father's Side, we are reborn! A new life, a new birth, a baby of God our father, who will never turn his back on us. Our lives become whole, our reasons for being becomes known and clear to us. We grow to become fulfilled in our whole being, our whole need through Jesus Christ in Our Father! Sure! You Say! I know! You've heard it all before! Just let me ask you one thing (ask yourself) actually. Are you happy? Are you whole? Are you fulfilled? In your heart and private thoughts, are you really a whole person? Is there no hurt? Pain, or lonliness within you? I, of all people know the image you feel you must keep up, to keep from being run over. But listen, That is Man's Image of Earth, Not of God!

        Friends, I ask you to be honest with yourself and the world, abolish your pain and your loneliness. Make Jesus Christ Lord of your life, be complete and whole! Friends, I'm not saying once you cross the bridge and become a reborn Child of God everything I speak of will all be yours at once. Oh, you must not think that! Does a newborn know how to walk? Swim or eat? Of course not! A baby knows when there is hunger, but not how to feed itself. A baby must grow to learn these things. And through trust, faith, and desire, a baby learns. So it is with a reborn Christian. You become a baby in Christ and you learn to grow in the love of God Our Father.

        If anyone tells you there will not be streams of sin to cross after you become a Child of God. Take Haste. They Are Wrong! There will be many streams to cross. Many Trials and Tribulations - Tests of Your Faith! Just remember, just remember our Father will never allow you to endure more than you can bear, in order for you to grow in him. By being a Child of God and applying the Trust and Faith in Our Father, as the child you are, those streams will never become anything like the river you crossed! Plus, as you grow and learn in His Word, those streams become smaller and smaller to the point they become droplets of water. You will obtain the power of God in your growth and there is no power greater!

        That is when you become a grown person of God. So, do you think that what I just told you is far away? Well, let me ask you, "what are you doing right now?" You will not be born an adult person of God, but you'll know He is with you, as you grow, you'll grow closer to him! Just as a baby knows the warmth and security when someone is with them.

        The Bible is the growth of a reborn Christian. The growth to an adult person of God. Our Father and His Family. It is the word and the way to be a fulfilled, to be a whole person and to everlasting life! Friends, if you want more, much more than what you see in the mirror, then read the Bible and Pray. It isn't easy to break old habits, fear and sins. I know you slip backwards (as I do). I know that you will not be able to totally be free of sin and temptation and to all at once, release all of your old sinful ways. (I tell you I myself am a baby in Christ and struggle daily). It's not easy but if it becomes your desire (Psalms 37:4), God will be there 100% to help you through.

        I wrote all this as it was wrote to me by God's Grace. I am committed to make it through. Even with 2 Life Sentences and all my ups and downs and pain, I'm not ashamed to say I pray everyday and night that God help me get to the next day.

        I want to say thanks again to Siliva and Yvette for helping me publish my art and words as well as the rest of The Beat Within/Out staff. In trying to change my life for the best and "my peace." Writing my thoughts and doing art helps me to release all that's been inside and weighing me down. I also want to say I dedicate this chapter to a very special woman in my life who's been through this every step of the way. And no matter how things turn out, I want to say to her. "I'm proud of you Lise. Your strong and smart and I knew in my heart you'd come back into the "light." It's not easy I know. But stay and pray and stay with the one who's carried you this far to safety...God! He's working with me too Lise. I truly believe this. Thank you and I love you."

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